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Clarification of statements by the Chafetz Chaim

Lema'an Achi Ve're'i! The well-Known statement of the Chafetz Chaim zi"a (1843-1933) that the Zionists are the descendants of Amalek.

in an article by Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman zi"a (1870-1939) (Omer Ani Maasay Lemelech) published in a collection of writings on the Talmud (Vilna, 1936). In section 3 it states as follows:

I heard Rabbi Chafetz Chaim state regarding the Jewish Communists (Yevsektsia) that “it is beyond any doubt that they are descended from Amalekites.”

Then in section 4 he writes:

It is written in Exodus 17:16 that there is to be a war against Amalek in every generation, and the Torah testifies that this war exists in all generations until the arrival of the Messiah.
However, in earlier generations, when the Jewish People were loyal to the Torah, the struggle against the forces of Amalek involved Amalek being outside of the Jewish People, ever since Jews abandoned Judaism Amalek penetrated into the Jewish People themselves, and we see large numbers of intentional heretics (mumarim lehach’is) such as the Jewish Communists.
There is no difference between them and the Zionists except for the fact that the Communists write in Yiddish and the Zionists do so in modernized Hebrew.
However, on both types G-d swore that neither his Name nor his Seat are complete until these people are removed from the world. So great is the intellectual poverty in our generation that a large portion of the Jewish People support them with their money, give them strength and help them. They do not understand the holy words such as is expressed in Psalms 92.
When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all those who labor in iniquity do flourish, they shall be destroyed forever.
Woe to those who shall have supported and pandered to them when that time comes. In the Holy Land it is as clear as the sun that the Land shall vomit them out because the Land is the Palace of the King, and cannot tolerate sinners, especially intentional sinners (I don't say this either to curse or to bless, but because these are things which are written in the Torah and which will take place)."

another hearsay from Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman, (Source: Chapter 3 of Rabbi Wasserman's booklet, "Proper Prayer") reported in the name of his teacher, Rabbi Yisrael Meir the Chafetz Chaim, of blessed memory, that the Talmudic statement that G-d has sworn that His Name is incomplete, and his Seat is incomplete, until "they" are erased from the world refers to the Zionists. (There were elders in the city of Bnai Brak who heard these words from the Chafetz Chaim)

and this saying you can also found in the holy book written by Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum zi"a, Al Hageulah Ve-al Hatemurah [On Redemption and the False ‘Redemption’], Section 61, p. 109, it is written:

“It is known that Rabbi Chafetz Chaim, of blessed memory, spent his entire life teaching the laws related to refraining from slander and gossip in his great book called Chafetz Chaim [Who Desires Life], and his disciple Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman, of blessed memory, said in his teacher’s name that the Zionists were true Amalekites.

In addition, Rabbi Baruch Kaplan zi"a, of blessed memory, who was the director of the Beis Yaakov Girls School in the United States (who described the events in Hebron in 1929) stated that Rabbi Chafetz Chaim stated that the Zionists are not Jews, they are descendants of the wicked Amalekites.

Those who ignore this well-known and well-established saying will be condemned to a life of meaninglessness. I wise you all the best

Rabbi Yisrael Meir ha-Kohen Kagan 'the Chofetz Chaim' zi"a רבי ישראל מאיר כהן קגן 'החפץ חיים' זיע"א
Rabbi Yisrael Meir ha-Kohen Kagan 'the Chofetz Chaim' zi"a רבי ישראל מאיר כהן קגן 'החפץ חיים' זיע"א


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אנו שמים דגש על 'אהבת ישראל' (שאינה תלויה בדבר).


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