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In honor of the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shaul Brach zi"a

Lema'an achi vere'i! In honor of the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shaul Brach zi"a, one of the great rabbis in Hungary before World War II, who was oppesing the heresy zionism.

in the introduction to a religious text called Avos Al Banim on Pirky Avot. His words, just like the words of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum ring clearer than ever today.

"Since the dawn of the Zionist movement, suffering has not ceased to exist in the world. All the warnings of the Torah have been fulfilled in their details among our People all over the world. For a believer it is no surprise that the Zionists are the same as the heretics at the time of the Destruction of the Temple. Thus, divine judgment has been unleashed on the entire world.
It is, however, surprising how they can continue in their ways unless they have rejected the entire Torah and the Prophets, inasmuch as they support Zionism, they must surely hope they are successful. But the Torah states, "..lest the Land vomit you out because of how you defiled it."
It is amazing that the leaders of the Agudah movement want many Jews to live in the Holy Land. Don't they fear for the lives of their children given the fact that there is nowhere else on earth where there is so much heresy and sectarianism as in the Holy Land today?
As far as our brethren in America who support the Zionist heresy in the Holy Land are concerned, if they don't face up to the truth, in liberal AMERICA they will quickly feel the effects of the verse, "With anger poured out will I rule over you." May G-d have mercy.”

In honor of the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shaul Brach zi"a
In honor of the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shaul Brach zi"a
Rabbi Shaul Brach zi"a and rabbi Joel Teitelbaum zi"a
Rabbi Shaul Brach zi"a and rabbi Joel Teitelbaum zi"a


כריכה מצות ישוב ארץ ישראל,שלוש השבועות,דחיקת הקץ,רמב"ן,יעקב אבינו,אברהם אבינו,יצחק אבינו,ארץ ישראל,ארץ הקודש,מלחמת מצוה,מלחמת רשות,אורים ותומים,מגילת אסתר,רמב"ם,אגרת תימן
מלחמת מצוה כריכה - הדמיה_edited.jpg
כריכה קדמית - לגלות ולהראות את הנס.jpg
כריכה בר-כוזיבא.jpg
הדמיה ילקוט השבעתי אתכם-חנות.jpg
הדמיה ספר גבול ההר.jpg

אנו שמים דגש על 'אהבת ישראל' (שאינה תלויה בדבר).


ולכן, אם נתקלת בקושי להבין דבר-מה, אנו כאן נשמח לענות לך על השאלות שלך, השאירו פרטים ונחזור בהקדם.

עקוב אחרינו

  • ילקוט השבעתי אתכם בקול הלשון
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