Zionism and the Holocaust
למען אחי ורעי! לפני המאמר קודם כל הבהרה חשובה והיא, שאין אבלות בחודש ניסן, כדאיתא במסכת סופרים, פרק אחד ועשרים:
(ב) ולמה אין מתענין אותן בחדש ניסן מפני שבאחד בניסן הוקם המשכן וי"ב נשיאים הקריבו קרבנם לי"ב יום יום לכל שבט ושבט וכל א' היה עושה ביומו י"ט וכן לעתיד לבא עתיד המקדש להבנות בניסן לקיים מה שנאמר (קהלת א) אין כל חדש תחת השמש.
(ג) לפיכך אין אומרין תחנונים כל ימי ניסן ואין מתענין עד שיעבור ניסן אלא הבכורות שמתענין בערב הפסח, והצנועין בשביל המצה כדי שיכנסו בה בתאוה, והתלמידים מתענין בו שני וחמישי מפני חילול השם ומפני כבוד ההיכל שנשרף.
(ד) בד"א בצנעה אבל להזכיר בציבור אסור עד שיעבור ניסן.
וקביעת יום הזכרון הנ"ל היא מנהג משובש שכפו אותו המינים והאפיקורסים כדי להתריס נגד התורה.
it is said in parshas Ha'azinu
"Remember the days of the world, [so that] you will understand the years of each generation...".
We shall see below how, as a consequence of actions and/or planning and/or declarations of Jews and/or in their names, by some or all of the Zionist organizations against the nations - by provoking them through mass immigration by force (the Jews are warned and sworn to refrain from these actions) - injury was swiftly bestowed upon the entire Jewish population, each time for the worse! If this relationship of "cause-effect" was a one-time event, an atheist could think that this is a coincidence rather than a result - but after 3 times it is already clear that it is the determined outcome of the events. One must be quite delusional to claim that this is commentary or coincidence. Even in the Nirim-Kibbutz of the declared "secular" Hashomer Hatzair, it took three times of suffering heavy damages while working on Yom Kippur for them to realize they had been damaged as a result of their work on this day - as told to me by the manager of harvesting.
The "Ma'apilim" (Jews who wanted to enter Eretz Yisrael before its right time) in the Sinai Desert were a symbol of rebellion against the Divine Will, and it is therefore understandable why this concept was chosen by Zionism as a description of the illegal immigration to the Land of Israel. In tractate Ketubot (page 111a), the above oaths were laid down - "that they shall not rise up as the wall" (Rashi - "together with a strong hand") and that "they should not rebel against the nations" and moreover "the nations of the world are sworn not to hurt the Jews more than necessary".
The punishment for this is known - "G-d said to Israel, If you fulfill the oath it will be good, if not, I will let go of your flesh as deer and gazelles of the field" (ibid). G-d will cause Gentiles to enact laws that endanger the flesh of the Jews. In 1882, the Zionist movement began to rebel against the Arabs and later the British Empire - by encouraging mass immigration, by preventing work from Arabs, by harassing their trade, and especially by Zionist youth-marches to the Western Wall. The result was waves of anti-Semitism throughout Europe and especially Germany, and from 1920 the Arabs in our country started to riot against the Jews. "In the events of 1929, 133 Jews were killed and 339 were wounded, and communities throughout the Land of Israel were abandoned and destroyed" (From ‘The Weekly (HaShavuon)’ – 471 - ,י' ניסן, תשע''ז).
In 1922, the "White Paper" series begins to prevent waves of immigration and the reduction of Jewish living space in Israel.
On February 26, 1932, Jabotinsky challenges and calls for the readers of his newspaper, "Heint (Today)", to belittle the British ban on emigration to Israel (Ben-Gurion belatedly joins this call and writes in his diary about the "rebellious Zionism"). The result is that Hitler immediately organizes abuse against the Jews through his "sports brigades." In 1933, the Zionist movements begin to institutionalize their war under the banner of "Aliyah as a Wall." - Hitler's Nazi party came to power in 1933 and Hitler became prime minister (chancellor), a position that still lacked actual power. In 1934, the "Chalutz" and "Beitar"-movements began to operate, and on 2.8.34 an order was issued for the unification of the positions of prime minister and president, so that Hitler became the omnipotent leader in Germany - Fuhrer. Consequently his party came to absolute power (these dates appear in all the Holocaust-related studies, see, for example, Shirer's book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich") and offered him the possibility of implementing the "Final Solution" for the liquidation of European Jewry in the manner permitted by The law in the Reichstag - "... I permit your flesh as the deer and gazelles of the field."
As of 1935, the Germans begin to plan their Final Solution meticulously and in stages, initially by inciting the Nazi party that Jewish blood is outlawed and permissible and even proper to spill Jewish blood. This legality is supported by the Nuremberg Laws of September 15, 1935, and the operation of the Final Solution is announced by Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Security Police, at the end of the Gross-Wannsee Conference on 20.1.42. The degrading punishment prescribed for violating the oath not to provoke the nations - "I hereby permit your flesh as deer and the gazelles of the field," was not long in coming! At the beginning of 1944, a mere month after establishing the Jewish Brigade, twenty thousand Hungarian Jews were executed under the auspices of the local government.
It should be noted that in 1944 the Jews of Hungary constituted the largest and only Jewish concentration remaining in Europe which still did not suffer from the suppression of the Nazis in the ghettos and concentration and extermination camps. In 1944, Horthy, the leader of Hungary, sent the first transport of Jews to Auschwitz. On 7-8.44 Horthy stops the transports, a time-out from G-d to the Zionists, which may stop their provocation against the Nazis, but on 20.9.44 the "Jewish Brigade" is approved by Winston Churchill. The result - in that month Horthy is removed from power and replaced by the Hungarian Nazi Party which begins to send the Jews to Auschwitz on death trains on 15.10.44, and the decision is made in September of that year to liquidate the giant Lodz ghetto and send the Jews away to the gas chambers. A lot has been written about the subhuman behavior of the heads of Zionism to prevent the rescue of millions of Jews during the Holocaust. The depth of the ignominy in this behavior can be seen in the failure to rescue the 800,000 Jews of Hungary and another 200,000 Jews from surrounding countries. One of the most prominent figures in this failure is the person who was later appointed as an officer in the Ministry of Finance in the State of Israel, Kasztner. When he was charged with the famous Kasztner-trial, the Supreme Court together with the government of Israel joined forces to acquit him, since his guilt was representative of the entire Zionist leadership in the prevention of rescue. Later it was also proven that he gave a false testimony at the Nuremberg trials to acquit the arch-murderers Kurt Becher, Kromai, Colonel Von-Wishtzilini[1] and Junter from death row.
The leaders of Zionism at the time, headed by Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, came to him to censor and blur some of these accusations in his book. Even after he censored the book a little and dropped comments on their humiliating conduct, the censorship of the State of Israel prevented the appearance of the book in our country for many years. Kasztner was finally liquidated by a Jew, similar to the cruel “Kapo” Yitzchak Greenbaum who was killed in the war of 1948 and who was the son of the appointed Minister of the Interior in the Israeli government.
There are also known acts of silencing against the exposure and publication of the Holocaust in real time by the leaders of Zionism and evidence has already been presented in other books (see "On the Mission of the Condemned to Death" - Yoel Brand, "The Man of the Straits" - Michael Weissmandel, and " Dori, "edition 6, p. 99:" Professor Akzin: The Zionists, the Jewish Agency, and the JDC refrained from publishing in the American press the extermination of the Jews "). In Kasztner's trial, it was also proven that he testified in favor of the murderers Kurt Becher, Colonel Von Weselzini[2] and others in the Nuremberg trials and thus saved them from the hangman’s rope[3].
The basic condition for the success of the rapid extermination of the six million was the collaboration of this mass murder by a "fifth column" of the Jewish people itself, as the Nazi colonel Von Weselzini admitted: "Our method is to exterminate the Jews by themselves. We concentrate the Jews in the ghettos - through the Jews. We expel the Jews by means of Jews and we kill them with gas - by the Jews" (from the book "Kach"כחש - , page 109). All the studies on the composition of this "fifth column" concluded unequivocally that the "Jewish police", the "kapos", etc., were composed almost entirely from the ranks of the Zionist parties and the Bund and others who belonged to the "maskilim (‘enlightened’ reformers)", eventhough some behaved humanely, as in the past the Germans used academic and Jewish academics, to use lies to shatter all of our spiritual assets.
The second holocaust: the rebellion against the Arabs, the establishment of the state instead of autonomy (as agreed upon at the meeting of King Feisal with the representative of Rabbi Sonnenfeld who was the rabbi of Jerusalem, but was thwarted by the murder of Professor DeHan, the first political assassination in Israel, as ordered by Haganah Commander Yitzhak Ben Zvi, who was later appointed President of the State). The result: Since the founding of the Zionist Hashomer organization with Yitzhak Ben-Zvi as one of its founders, there has been over a hundred years of war, the longest in history, whose end is never seen! In the course of if, many battles, accidents and suicides in the army, hostile acts and the transformation of most of our country's Jews into Reform Christians (through an educational system dominated by foundations and sub-structures of missionary-academic-protestant thought). And the continuation - encouraging mass assimilation in our country that is hidden and of course not reported, as well as millions of Jews who were educated to disengage from their Jewishness and religion and indeed went down and left the Land of Israel and mostly assimilated with non-Jewish women.
(We briefly detailed and exposed facts and dates, especially in the face of biased "Jewish Holocaust deniers" that have appeared in all Jewish sects and circles).
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*** Further comments/suggestions to the article:
1.) It was revealed at the Kasztner trial that Kasztner has collaborated with Adolph Eichmann and assisted him to mislead Hungarian Jews by telling them that they are being sent to "the East" for "new employment" (when, in fact, they were sent to Auschwitz). This assisted the Nazis to prevent Jewish resistance and potential escapes from the death trains.
2.) It was also revealed at the Kasztner trial that Eichmann has agreed to reward Kasztner for his services, by giving him a share in Hungarian Jewish property which has been confiscated from the victims.
3.) I would also add the responsibility of religious groups and those who claim they are "ultra-orthodox" in the State of Israel to the ongoing second holocaust happening in the Holy Land. Those groups vote in Israeli elections, take money from the Israeli government, participate in the governing of the state itself (on all levels, including the local level) and make the appearance as if the state is legitimate. There also ultra-orthodox Yeshivas which gladly take money from the Israeli government and even raise the Zionist flag on their rooftops to attract even more support from heretics. There are rabbis who established new political parties to serve their financial and other interests. Needles to say, all of these groups profoundly hate each other and fight among themselves due to their inability to share power. Some groups hate others not just because of power/money, but also because of their origin: for example, Sephardic communities don't like Ashkenazi communities (and vice versa). And even among themselves, those groups are unable to live in peace and won't respect each other.
[1] it appears that the author refers here to the Nazi war criminal Dieter Wisliceny who HAS BEEN EXECUTED despite Kasztner's testimony in his favour.
[2] it appears that the author refers to the Nazi war criminal Dieter Wisliceny.
[3] Nazi war criminal Dieter Wisliceny HAS BEEN EXECUTED despite Kasztner's evidence in his favour).